A New Nagra at Last
A New Nagra at Last
Nagra Audio, joined together with Telefunken, fully aware that they had to develop a revolutionary machine to give Swiss reputation its former prestige and become world's leader again, made the choice of fully analog and mechanical systems, specially with the use of geranium transistors in electronic circuits to find the famous Nagra sound colour again. In order to let the sound mixer be fully in charge of sound recording and to prevent multitrack recordings to be murdered by post, as it happens too often, Kudelski goes back to monophonic standard.

On this machine, highly inspired by Cantar, there is, set on the left between level display and fader, a multifunction rotary switch used as well for playback as for recording. The addition of a high-quality monitoring loudspeaker is a great innovation in comparison to current recorders. The very handy mike-input level control allows mixer to modulate easily even in worst winter conditions. Always inspired by Cantar, the large round modulometer is clearly legible in the dark. But rather than to trust the Japanese for their mastery of the LCD technology, like Aaton did, Nagra preferred to adopt the solution of a pointer on mobile coil, which offers a ballistics specially adapted to human ear and to the capacities of the recording support.

So, this Nagra goes back to the first tasks of the sound mixer, namely the science of positioning a single microphone and the critical listening of its own work. However, if this new device ergonomy is impeccable, owing to its size and heavy weight it is meant for strong shoulders; beware of lumbago due to modernity. A special carrying bag is, by the way, under study with Idequation, in partnership with the physiotherapists of Swiss curling team.

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La société DINOSAURES bien connue de quelques professionnels, qui c'est délocalisée au grand drame de nos politiques dans le Vaucluse (la presse c'est fait échos de l'intention de Laurent POIRIER, Laurent ZEILIG, Jean-Louis UGHETTO, Adrien NATAF, Yvan DACQUAY, Bruno CHARIER, Jean-Luc RAULT CHEYNET et quelques autres, d'entamer une grève de la faim, enchainés à leur banc respectif devant leur placard, grève heureusement annulée pour raison de tournage), a pu après de très difficiles négociations avec Serge et Michel, se procurer ce tout nouveau matériel révolutionnaire.
Celà a permis au gérant de la société et ancien IS Jean-Noël MEVIL-BLANCHE de se réconcilier avec le son analogique et d'arriver enfin à remplir toute la bande passante de cigales, grillons et autres abeilles.
Interviewé par des confrères, JNMB a déclaré, j'aurais encore de la bande magnétique, je ferais exploser le vu-mètre!
Souhaitons longue vie à ce nouveau matériel.
Attention, il faut pour un bon usage de l'appareil, ce procurer quelques piles LR20 neuves encore en vente dans les boutiques spécialisées de Barbès et de DCA, ou d'occasion aux puces de montreuil.

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Quoi? ...mais on m'avait pas prévenu?! ...humm... je crois savoir de qui cela vient...

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!