Panasonic Powerline 6LR61 9V
Panasonic Powerline 6LR61 9V
Panasonic Powerline 6LR61 9V in Cello
Panasonic Powerline 6LR61 9V in Cello
Panasonic Powerline 6LR61 9V 12-Unit Package
Panasonic Powerline 6LR61 9V 12-Unit Package
In a nutshell

The 9V 6LR61 battery (ANSI PP3 standard) was one of the most widely consumed for radio mics when Audio-Limited was dominating this sector with its 2000, 2020, 2040 transmitters. But that was before. On the one hand, other brands have gained some ascendancy with RF transmitters, such as Sennheiser and Wisycom, and on the other, Li-Po batteries, now with interesting capacities, have gradually taken the advantage for they are cheaper in the medium and long term.

Invoiced and sold individually in a package of 12 units. Discount from 25 units.

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Technical specifications

size: PP3
voltage: 9V