Copyright Policy


Under the terms of the Code for the Intellectual Property, this site is a work of creation, conceived and published by the DC AUDIOVISUEL company which has of them all the royalties regarding its contents and its structure and intellectual property regarding its database. No modification of whole or part of the site is authorized.
DC AUDIOVISUEL, as well as the associated logos, are protected commercial names, properties of the Company with Simplified Actions with the capital of 50 000 Euros DC AUDIOVISUEL, 3-7 rue Edmond Roger, F - 75015 Paris, registered near the Paris Trade Office under the number PARIS B 313 669 681.


Except expressly authorization of our share, the reproduction and the use of the site at ends other than the individual and private consultation are prohibited.

The contents of this site, texts, photographs, images, graphics, graphic user interface, design, source code (non exhaustive list) could not be copied or diffused on other networks or supports, rule which does not prohibit the right of quotation, at the condition that this one clearly establishes the source of information, the indication of the author's name, the title of work and are marked by a hypertext link entitled DC AUDIOVISUEL pointing towards the homepage of our site with the address

The authorization of indication of a link is valid for any support, except for those diffusing of information in matter political, religious, pornographic, xenophobe or being able to attack the sensitivity of the greatest number. Under this authorization, we reserve ourselves a right of opposition.

Any request for reproduction of this website part must be formulated either:
• by postal mail by DC AUDIOVISUEL, 3-7 rue Edmond Roger, F - 75015 PARIS
• by using the contact form to write to the webmaster

Apart from the right to the private copy and right to the quotation, any representation or reproduction, by some process that it is, in particular by downloading or printing, constitutes a counterfeit sanctioned by the L335-2 articles and following of the Code for the Intellectual Property. We however authorize the technique known as of deep link, consisting in making point a hypertext link towards another page that the homepage of the site, since the source of the link is clearly identified.

Third trademarks

The names of companies or organizations, trademarks, drawings or models or patents quoted or reproduced on our site remain the property of their respective holders. The photographs and original documents of the manufacturers and trademarks quoted in our catalogue are reproduced with their owners' written agreement. DC AUDIOVISUEL will respect any injunction of a third company which would not like to see any more appearing on its site the reproduction of any element of its property - photography, name of product, page, document, etc. - and this for some reason that it is.


Our visitor's comments remain the property of their author and raise of their only responsibility. DC AUDIOVISUEL Company reserves the right to modify the texts at ends of concision, grammar or orthography and not to reproduce those of them which it would estimate not to offer of a real appreciation or those being able to carry offence to its company or any other trademark or concerning infringement being able to involve legal proceedings.

Without separating itself of his right to criticism, quotation and parody, the author of a comment must prohibit any denigration or parasitic dealing which would carry offence to a trademark.

Online catalogue

The photographs and various illustrations of the site do not have a contractual value. The materials and their rates indicated online can be prone to modification, even withdrawn from our catalogue. Technical information is those of the manufacturers. In last resort, only the rates indicated in our paper catalogue are guaranteed.

Downloads & Documentations

Documentations are reproduced and files are downloadable on this website with the acceptance of their legal trademarks and copyrights owners.


- Concept and art direction, UX, interaction and graphic design, Martin Blum.
- Graphic advise and font type proposition, Félix Müller.
- Animation concept, Félix Müller, Martin Blum.
- Animation and front-end development, Martin Blum and blumbyte, Paris.


DC Audiovisuel
3-7 rue Edmond Roger
F - 75015 Paris
+33 1 44 37 93 00
Publishing director: Nicolas Durrande
EU VAT Number: FR 27 313 669 681


DC Audiovisuel website is hosted by OVH, 2 rue Kellermann F-59100 Roubaix.